I Wish I Had More To Say

Hello blog world. I feel like I haven’t posted in a while, but it’s actually only been three days. I guess my life is empty and meaningless without WordPress. Does that sound as pathetic as I think it does? Don’t answer that. I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day weekend. I’m off every day (for the time being) but it was still nice. I finally got my hair cut on Saturday. I’ve been meaning to do that since April, so you can see I’m really on top of things. Luckily, my mom brought it up so we ended up going together.

On Sunday, I went to the Sands Casino with my parents and DID NOT win. My dad played on one slot machine for about an hour with just $5. I know, I still can’t believe it. My mom lost $20 and I lost $30. Yup, talk about big spenders. It’s not that I can’t afford to lose more, but I feel like there are better ways to spend my money than on some stinkin’ machine. There were outlets inside this casino, which I thought was pretty cool. We only saw a few stores, but we can always go back some other day, preferably in more comfortable shoes. I love that there are so many styles of women’s shoes, but sadly, none of them are actually made for walking. It took us a while to find the exit, which is kind of sad. At one point, I noticed a door with a huge PARKING GARAGE sign, but nope, nobody believed that was the way we had come in. We walked a little further before realizing that, yes, I was right.

Anyway, I really wish I had more to say, but I don’t. Writer’s block? I don’t know. I have all these incomplete drafts that I can’t seem to finish. I have a list of “blog ideas” but my ideas must be really stupid, otherwise I wouldn’t have so much trouble writing about them. SOOOO, in lieu of a REAL post, here’s a cute video I took of my grandma’s pets. I accidentally had my phone set to record with audio, so I recommend MUTING…it’s just background noise in spanish. Stupid YouTube won’t let me remove the original audio. Toodles!


18 thoughts on “I Wish I Had More To Say

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  1. Loved the video and I soooo want to cut my hair.. Let it grow long for a few years, now it’s getting my nerves.. Yup, may do that this upcoming weekend!!
    Don’t pressure yourself about what to write..Blogs should be fun, not stressful. Walk away for a bit and watch the ideas surface 🙂

    1. Glad you liked. 😉 I know, after a while you just get sick of your hair being long. I’ve just always been lazy about calling for appointments. I mean really, how hard is it to pick up a phone? 😳

      And you’re right, I tell myself not to feel pressured but I’ve only been blogging since June…too soon to be running out of ideas! Oh well, I’m sure something will come up. 😀

      1. Ok, here’s an idea.. If you could meet one person who would it be and why? how would you act meeting them, what would you ask them.. Just a thought 🙂

  2. You should show us a picture of your hair :). Nah, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. The ideas would come don’t you worry. Think of a word…any word…what comes to mind when you think about the word :). then write about it

    1. I almost posted a pic but I didn’t like how it came out. I’m so bad at taking pics! 😦

      And yes, I’ll have to do that! I guess I pressure myself but really, this writing thing doesn’t have to be THAT hard. 😀

    1. You’re so sweet. Yeah, it sucks not knowing what to write! Here’s hoping we both get some new ideas. Yours are always funny. 😉

      And thanks, I love those animals, they’re so cute.

  3. Don’t worry, we all have our blogger’s block moments. Yours just came a little later than most people I’ve been following. I’m sure in a short while, your ideas will start flowing and the incomplete drafts will either get deleted (usually what happens with me) or you’ll completely revamp them. 🙂

    And I agree casinos are such time wasters and money wasters. That being said, during my high school grad night, I got stuck at the blackjack table for almost 3 hours just trying to win my money back (and then some). It’s probably a good thing I haven’t had a chance to actually gamble since I turned legal. 😉

    1. Yup, I guess blogger’s block has been going around! I was hoping it wouldn’t happen til I reached a year of blogging…it’s only been a few months! 😦 Oh well. I’m sure I’ll end up deleting those drafts too…sometimes it’s easier to start over. Sometimes.

      Well, it seems like you did manage to win your money back at least! My first trip to a casino, I won $200 on those 1 cent/5 cent machines. It’s like they know when you’re new, so they make sure you win something. Haven’t won a dime since then…stupid pointless casinos! 😉

  4. Don’t worry about how often you post. I sometimes go weeks without posting anything. I’ve only been to a casino one time and that was on my 21st birthday. I went with my parents. When I won $200 I was ready to drive back home. That college guy thought he hit the jackpot. Lol, to be that age again or to at least remember most of it.

    So when do we get to see the new hair?

    1. I know I shouldn’t worry, but I guess I feel a need to post more often. Can’t help it!

      That’s funny, my first trip to a casino, I also won $200! And yes I was happy with that, lol.

      No picture of the hair…I just hate taking pics. Sorry. 😉

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